– Emmalie Ellis As He stood before them, this is what the resurrected Jesus commanded the remaining eleven disciples to do: to boldly enter their broken world and teach of the redeeming love they had found. This Great Commission is now extended to each of us, begging to be fulfilled. However, it is not in…

– Allan Taylor. Can a person be a believer and not a disciple? This is a question church leaders are asking as they evaluate how effective the church has been and should be in making disciples. Before answering these questions, the question, “What is a disciple?” must be answered. Defining what a disciple is should…

– John McClendon A recent cruise ship industry article began with this headline regarding the COVID pandemic, “The 11 days of drama at sea that changed cruising forever.” If we were to use this headliner for the local church it might read, “One year that changed the church forever.” We have just been through one…

– Jerry Ross Soon, we will be on the other side of the greatest crisis the world has known in our lifetime – a pandemic that has stifled economies; shuttered schools, businesses, and churches; taken the lives of millions; and, though slowing, is by no means done. One of the side-effects of COVID relates to…

– Dr. Tim Smith I was a high school student sitting at a banquet table with several well-known millionaires and some may have even been billionaires!  I was a national officer of high school club and I was out-of-place on that night!  The topic of conversation was on how those gentlemen had made their fortune. …

– Jeff Bowden A building expansion and renovation project is an exciting and challenging time for any church family. There is excitement as the church upgrades and expands facilities to accomplish their vision and mission, but there are challenges along the journey which a church must be prepared to handle. At present, Forest Hills Baptist…

– Dr. Daryl Eldridge One of the gaps in our discipleship efforts is assuming that if we tell people something, they will know how to do it. We live in the misconception that if people don’t get how to do something, it’s because we didn’t explain it well enough. We seem to spend the majority…

– Dr. Ken Coley I am sure you have been or will be confronted at some point in your ministry with a parent who will ask, “Pastor, how should I educate my children?” Will you respond with advice from your past? Will you avoid conflict by simply pointing them to the school down the street?…

I am sure all of you have been in conversations in the local church or with leaders from other churches where the validity of Sunday School is questioned. Most of those conversations are usually built upon assumptions based on one’s legitimate experience of an unhealthy Sunday School model versus a historical and strategic look at…

– Ken Braddy Today I want to call your attention to a book you probably don’t have in your library. The book is an old one, The True Functions of the Sunday School, by one of my heroes, Arthur Flake. Written in 1930 and revised several times, this timeless treasure of advice from LifeWay’s first…