Great endings can lead to great new beginnings! As you prepare to close out this year of ministry you might consider asking for some feedback from your leaders. This can help you keep your finger on the pulse of your church and develop a plan for shepherding your leaders in the new year. Meredith King,…

At various points in the life of one called to ministry, there will be challenges. Those challenges will most likely prompt one to ask, “Is serving in the ministry truly worth it?” A few months ago, I discovered a message by Dr. Charles Swindoll that encouraged me, and I know it will encourage you to…

So much that goes on in training is not really training. Learn more about how to plan and implement training that will equip your Bible study leaders for ministry through this Lunch & Learn presentation: Creative Leadership Training. Presented by Alan Raughton, seasoned and creative trainer of Sunday School and small group leaders and Pastor…

– Emmalie Ellis As He stood before them, this is what the resurrected Jesus commanded the remaining eleven disciples to do: to boldly enter their broken world and teach of the redeeming love they had found. This Great Commission is now extended to each of us, begging to be fulfilled. However, it is not in…

– John McClendon A recent cruise ship industry article began with this headline regarding the COVID pandemic, “The 11 days of drama at sea that changed cruising forever.” If we were to use this headliner for the local church it might read, “One year that changed the church forever.” We have just been through one…

– Jeff Bowden A building expansion and renovation project is an exciting and challenging time for any church family. There is excitement as the church upgrades and expands facilities to accomplish their vision and mission, but there are challenges along the journey which a church must be prepared to handle. At present, Forest Hills Baptist…

– Randy Tompkins Information about people living in a specific area of your church’s ministry area can be beneficial to the planning of activities and events for your church. Using community data such as the age of the people, the number of children, youth, or senior adults, and other information can allow church leaders to…

– Bill Taylor I was shocked to receive a writing assignment from the Baptist Association of Christian Educators titled, The Leadership Vacuum in Church Leadership, yet that title is an apt description of most churches today. The word vacuum stems from the Latin adjective vacuus for “vacant” or “void.” The word meaning of vacuum is…

It’s amazing how quickly normality can be cancelled! All “normal” best practices for Sunday School and Small Groups have been turned upside down in recent days, which has left most church leaders in our culture scurrying about trying to determine how we are going to continue discipleship in a COVID-19 world. Yet, there is one…